Stressed Out….

Wow… how many of us are stressed out right now?!?! I think I can say that a good 95% of the world is stressed out to some degree. I know I am, not all the time, but enough to know I need to do something about it. The furrowed brow and creases around my eyes are enough to let me know. I can hear myself sighing now, my kids used to comment on how often I sighed and I’d lie saying I was just relieving stress but sometimes I was angry, sometimes I was really frustrated with a situation and sometimes I was relieving stress. It became a habit. Once I started noticing it myself, I would try really hard to stop and then it became an old habit. Now, I only do it when I really am stressed. Do you do it? Do you do something else when you’re stressed?

I know I’m very stressed at work and now instead of signing, it just shows on my face. Oh, boy!! I am a substitute teacher at a high school. Teenagers do not cause stress at all. Not at home not at school! 😂 Do you believe me? Have I convinced you yet, have you fallen into a deep sleep and become a victim of my trance?! Well, SNAP OUT OF IT!! All kids cause stress, it’s their job. It’s our job to guide them.

My favorite saying towards my own children is “It builds character” and it really does. Whatever you do or are doing it’s going to build character. It may cause pain, stress, joy, laughter or heartache, but it will build character. We can build each other up through each trial and adventure too.

We don’t have to deal with stress alone. Communication is key. Talking to each other is so important. Validating each others feelings and opinions is very important. Being KIND! Having a support system. I am trying to gather mine. Trusting others is very hard for me tho so I find it difficult to really believe that others are willing to be there for me. Do you ever feel that way? I mean I’m always willing to be there for others no matter what, so I guess I expect it too. Respect and kindness❤️

So if you feel stressed out…Breathe Find people you trust to talk to and listen to and finally RELAX ….. You deserve it