Who has hurt you?

I want to open up this post to you…. Share your story. Share how you overcame. Share hope you fought. Share hope you WON! Share about yourself. Tell us your story, they can’t take that away from you.

I am hoping that in doing this someone is able to share their story. Let’s lift each other up. Support and communication is vital for survival.

And thank you in advance for being brave enough to share. ❤️

Stressed Out….

Wow… how many of us are stressed out right now?!?! I think I can say that a good 95% of the world is stressed out to some degree. I know I am, not all the time, but enough to know I need to do something about it. The furrowed brow and creases around my eyes are enough to let me know. I can hear myself sighing now, my kids used to comment on how often I sighed and I’d lie saying I was just relieving stress but sometimes I was angry, sometimes I was really frustrated with a situation and sometimes I was relieving stress. It became a habit. Once I started noticing it myself, I would try really hard to stop and then it became an old habit. Now, I only do it when I really am stressed. Do you do it? Do you do something else when you’re stressed?

I know I’m very stressed at work and now instead of signing, it just shows on my face. Oh, boy!! I am a substitute teacher at a high school. Teenagers do not cause stress at all. Not at home not at school! 😂 Do you believe me? Have I convinced you yet, have you fallen into a deep sleep and become a victim of my trance?! Well, SNAP OUT OF IT!! All kids cause stress, it’s their job. It’s our job to guide them.

My favorite saying towards my own children is “It builds character” and it really does. Whatever you do or are doing it’s going to build character. It may cause pain, stress, joy, laughter or heartache, but it will build character. We can build each other up through each trial and adventure too.

We don’t have to deal with stress alone. Communication is key. Talking to each other is so important. Validating each others feelings and opinions is very important. Being KIND! Having a support system. I am trying to gather mine. Trusting others is very hard for me tho so I find it difficult to really believe that others are willing to be there for me. Do you ever feel that way? I mean I’m always willing to be there for others no matter what, so I guess I expect it too. Respect and kindness❤️

So if you feel stressed out…Breathe Find people you trust to talk to and listen to and finally RELAX ….. You deserve it


I had always wished for a big family so that I could have people to take care of. I have a husband and two daughters. I am pretty content although when holidays roll around I start feeling sad, I start wishing I had a big family again.
But family isn’t just blood, it’s whoever you want it to be. Anyone can be in your family.
For example, I work in a school, it’s amazing how many kids call me their ‘school mom’ and I love it. They are amazing kids.
I have worked with kids forever and I feel like they are my own sometimes. When you create bonds with them it’s bound to happen.
I have friends who I consider sisters. We’d do practically anything for each other.
So family definitely doesn’t have to be blood related.

Just know this, you never have to stay connected to your blood relatives, they can hurt you in ways that are inconceivable and almost unforgivable. You don’t need to stick around. You can distance yourself. Create a new family.

So with the holidays approaching remember these words. Choose your family, make it up of people you love and who love you.

It’s not worth being in pain and suffering for ever.

Her Body, Her Choice?!

 Her body, her choice? 

This question has become a battle in many minds and has become a battle on capitol hill. Should it even be a battle, should it even be the business of others? A woman should have the right to her body in all manners of speaking. No person should dictate what she does. Do people dictate what men do? A man rapes a woman and impregnates her, almost always he gets away with it, now the woman is forced to keep a baby that she did not ask for and will have to raise and have as a daily reminder because she was violated. This is not in any way fair. She should be allowed to make a choice to abort if she wants. Maybe she will choose to adopt out, but these are her choices. 

Here are some situations where a woman/child should be allowed to have a right to her body. Rape; a sexual assault is a violation of a person, they did not ask to be put in that position and if they are impregnated they should not be forced to have the child. 

Incest; this is when a family member takes advantage of their roll in the family and assaults a member sexually, there may be a possibilty that member is impregnated and why should they be forced to carry that child especially when the chances of birth defects is great. 

Sex trafficking; almost always girls are kidnapped or sold for a price and forced to have sex with multiple people multiple times a day and for a great length of time. They are kidnapped sometimes at a very young age and kept till they are in their twenties or thirties, it’s mind blowing and disgusting to think that it’s happening and not being stopped.  They are forced to perform sexual acts for porn or work in child labor camps. If they get pregnant why should they be forced to keep that child? 

Illness; there are varying illnesses that can cause a woman to become so sick that she will have to abort the baby to save both lives. There are also illnesses that will cause a woman to abort to save her life. Examples are, heart disease, preeclampsia, stroke, thrombotic pulmonary embolism, placental abruption; these are just a few examples. 

Places like Planned Parenthood are available to help women have a safe abortion. Closing them down will cause women/girls to find alternative places and ways that are unsafe to have an abortion, they will endager themselves. I do not believe that she comes to such a decision in a hasty and quick-minded manner. I am sure that if she was not put in these positions and asked to have a baby then she’d have it gladly. Being forced into a position of having a child that you clearly did not ask for or a matter of life and death makes you stop and think and question life itself. 

I have been in two of these positions in my lifetime. During these times I had thought, ‘what if I get pregnant, what will I do? What will people think of me? Will I survive? Can I do this? am I less of a person cause I am thinking of getting an abortion if I get pregnant?’

Thankfully I never got pregnant, that I know of.  If I got pregnant and miscarried early but I was too young to know what was happening to me then there is that possibility. 

I was a victim of incest from the age of 11 till the age of 17. I would constantly beg my family to stop it from happening but I was ignored. I was always told I had asked for it or that I was lying. I would tell people that I thought I was pregnant to get their attention and still I would be ignored. I even self-hurt. I would go as far as trying to break bones to get the attention of others. No one would listen, no one would believe me. I felt so alone. I grew up in a religious home and went to a church that was more like a cult. They drilled in to your head that abortion was wrong. I felt as though if I had gotten pregnant that it was the only answer, but I knew I would be judged. 

When I was in my twenties I worked at a christian school. I had met up with an old friend, we had a one-night stand. He had regrets and didn’t want me to get pregnant by his err in judgment so he forced me to take the morning after pill. So he took me into Planned Parenthood to get it because they offered it for free. I felt awful afterwards and told a close friend. She told my boss at the school and I was fired because they considered it an abortion. But, was it? 

A few years later, I was on the way home from a babysitting job, I had to take the train and I was followed off the train by a guy and I was raped. The guy forced me to drive him home. They never arrested him, he was not convicted, nothing, no prosecution, no penalties. NOTHING!!!   I was so angry!!! Thankfully I did not get pregnant. But, if I had I would not have kept the baby. How could I have? 

I know that there are many people out there that do not agree with me on this subject, but I know there are many that do. 

Where do you stand on the topic? 

What would you do in any of these situations?

If you had a daughter and she was in one of these situations would you support her if she chose abortion?

The decision is not an easy one to make by any means but having support is important.


I hate the words Therapist and Therapy!!! Ugh… I hate saying them and writing them and seeing them. Can’t we find other words? They have good intentions, most of the time, but they sound and look like something awful. I think you know what I mean too and I don’t have to say it. Please tell me you’ve thought it?!…. I can’t be the only one. I have had to see my fair share of therapists almost always it was not my choice to see them either.

I remember my first time seeing a therapist it was awful they were useless. They made me think that everything I said was wrong and my fault. Of course, it was in the late 80’s it had to be my fault not my parents or my family. I never had the guts to tell them everything and I’m guessing that even if I did they wouldn’t have believed me.

After that horrendous experience I wouldn’t see another one till I was in my 20’s and that’s when I was forced to see one because I was put in a hospital for attempting suicide. I had been raped, the authorities did nothing, my family said I must have asked for it and there was only one person who believed me but I was just too damaged and lost at that point and felt like I couldn’t find a way out. I felt so hopeless so unloved so unworthy that the only answer was dying. But that one person who believed me, who cared about me, saved my life and committed me. I had to ‘talk about my feelings’ … THAT MADE ME SO ANGRY!! Why… no one wanted to hear about them before why now??!!

But… I would be in and out of hospitals and therapy for a while and would eventually realize that talking about what happened was ok. It was therapeutic. Did I ever actually grieve? No I don’t think so. Do I really ever talk about what happened? Rarely. Should I??? I don’t know…

Who would listen?

Stolen Innocence~Roe vs Wade


Recently in the news, a 10 year old girl has been the center of attention, but not for getting straight A’s in school or for selling lemonade for a cause or for rescuing a cute little puppy. No, she was in the news for a more sinister reason, she was in search of a safe haven for a safe abortion. She lost her innocence, it was stolen from her. Her virginity was stolen, that can never be returned. She’ll never be able to enjoy her first kiss, her first time with her partner, her first anything all because they were stolen from a monster; someone she was supposed to be able to trust. And now the government is telling her that they won’t protect her, they are going to force a child that is still in elementary school to give birth to a child she didn’t even ask to have. She hasn’t even taken sex-ed classes yet. Her innocence was stolen and now she has to give her life!!?? Why?? Because a group of people got together and said THIS IS THE WAY???!!! No!!!! There are and always will be special circumstances! ALWAYS!!!!!!

All I can say is that we need to have someone in the Supreme Court with some sort of compassion and common sense. Someone who can see the bigger picture. Yes a child’s life matters but at what cost?


Imagine these scenarios….

#1 You are a 15 year old female being molested by a family member, after many attempts to stop this by begging them to stop and crying out for help, you end up pregnant. You are told it’s your fault. You truly believe it is your fault. You’re terrified. What do you do? No one would help you before what do you do now? You didn’t ask for this baby? You didn’t ask for your virginity to be taken by someone you were supposed to trust let alone a family member. You were supposed to like your first time it was supposed to be special. Your first pregnancy was supposed to be special. You don’t want to know the sex or do a gender reveal. No, it’s not the baby’s fault but it’s not yours either. What do you do? No one is willing to help! Everyone is going to judge you now instead of help you. You have never received support and now you never will……

#2 You were out with friends and on your way home you were approached by a man on the train. He struck a conversation with you, it seemed innocent enough and there were other people around so you engaged in the conversation. When you stop came up he got off too and you thought nothing of it, till he asked for a ride home, because he missed his stop and you had a car. So, you being the king and naive person you are, said ‘Sure’! Well, almost as soon as you were both in the car he became a different person, he got aggressive and demanded you go somewhere more private. You realized your phone had fallen on the ground under his seat so you just do as he says. You come to a set of lights and become nervous, he notices and panics so he grins you by the neck and threatens you, he says that if you do or try anything stupid you’ll regret it, so you don’t. You do exactly as he says you go where he says and when you stop the car he rapes you. Once he’s done he makes you drive him home!!! Once the ordeal has ended you gather yourself and collect your thoughts and bring yourself to go to the police. You tell them everything. You go through a whole process and end up feeling victimized all over again at the station and the hospital. They do fingerprints, they question and question you and they they do a rape kit then they question you again. Then you find out that the guy who raped you is a family member of cops so he gets away with it!!!! Two weeks later you also find out that you’re pregnant with this monster’s child!!! What do you do??? What would you do??!!! How could you continue on knowing who the father is? You couldn’t enjoy the pregnancy. You couldn’t be happy, ever! You’ve be miserable! You’d be scared! Who would be by your side! How would you cope?! What are your options?!

#3 You have been trying for months to get pregnant, you and your husband keep trying but every pregnancy test you take it says negative. Well the doctor has given you some hope, he offers you a new medicine, it’s called Clomid it is a fertility drug it will help you get pregnant! You and your husband are thrilled to try it!! So when the time is right you take the pill and have a romantic night and get pregnant FINALLY!!!!!😁 YAY a positive pregnancy test!! What you both have been hoping for! Such relief! Well, sadly 3 months into your blessed pregnancy there are signs of trouble. You begin bleeding, a lot… You rush to the hospital only to find out you are miscarrying. You find out that you have to have a DNC. You are devastated. You just can’t believe what’s happening to you right now. Your doctor reassures you that you can try again. But you’re great is too broken. Some people are supportive, they call, text, send cards and gifts. But then there are a few who are judging you secretly (the whispers) you hear then you know, they can’t believe you couldn’t carry a baby to full term, you had an ABORTION. But you didn’t, your baby died. They don’t get it! They are ignorant.

Now imagine all of your rights as a woman/girl being stripped from you… as far as your body goes. Imagine not being able to choose what you feel is right for you. Imagine as a couple, not being able to make a healthy decision whether to save your life physically or mentally, because your rights over your body are being controlled by the government. Even the right to take birth control to regulate your periods, either for health reasons (hormonal issues or not) or just for straight up birth control.
Does the government control when a man should have a vasectomy or when and if he can take Viagra? No!
What’s next?! Will they reverse our right to vote?!?!

Now that Women’s Rights have been stripped from them they no place to turn! What will the women/girls in these situations do? There are so many more situations! Sex trafficking…Is a huge one!!!

We need to support each other now more than ever!!! Instead of judging!

❤️ #TalkBeHeard

Don’t Say A Word

Ever hear the saying “children should be seen and not heard”, thats an awful saying. Whoever stated that must have been keeping a dark secret, I think. It’s so often that children are the victims of horrific crimes and the perpetrators tell them to stay quiet or else. They tell them if they say anything it will be their fault if say the person goes to jail or if the child is taken from the family, a number of things. Same with adults in situations like this, someone is raped or beaten, they are told to keep quiet cause it will only ruin things. Why, why are we conditioned to be this way; instead let’s normalize talking about the bad stuff the evil people, so we can stop them. (hopefully) Reality is that evil will never ever subside, it will always exist, but if we can stop it from spreading like wildfire writing out communities that would be something wouldn’t it.

Let’s normalize talking openly to our children so that they will feel comfortable enough to come to us when something is wrong so we can help stop it before it gets out of control or stop it before it starts. Let’s support our kids instead of insulting them. Believe me, I need to practice what I preach somedays because as a parent of a child who is living on their own some pills are harder to swallow than others. Dishing out advice is much easier than getting it. But I know one thing is very true and I will I do this every day, I love my girls unconditionally and listen to what they have to say. I would literally do anything for them. If they are being harmed in any way I will take them out of the situation and make sure there mental health is not at stake for someone else’s wellbeing. Here’s an example, my youngest was being bullied at school, in person and cyber bullying, then one of the mother’s of one child doing this started to harass her and me. I try to let her work through it, I asked the school for help too. But to no avail. I could see the joy and happiness that once filled my daughter going away, she was crying out for help begging for someone to listen in nonverbal ways till one day she broke down and said she couldn’t take it anymore. That’s when I said enough is enough, I pulled her out of school, she’s now happier and healthier. We still struggle, she has anxiety not more than before. She needs friends she can rely on, she has one good friend she hangs out with but she needs more connections. If I didn’t have an open dialogue with my kids I would have missed this signals I wouldn’t have known what was going on.

This is bad, but there are far worse situations that parents face daily, that people face daily. Often on their own. Do they have a support system, sadly they rarely do. If you know someone who is in need, step up to the plate, reach out, be their support system because sadly they may have no one. Maybe their abuser is the only one in their life.

So don’t listen to people that say you shouldn’t talk. Instead, TALK, BE HEARD! ❤️

It’s Okay To Walk Away

Choosing to remove yourself from a toxic relationship is such a difficult decision to make, especially if it is from family. I did it, I had to, I had no choice. My family (my kids, my husband and I) had to be the priority now, not them, not the ones who pretended to be family. I had little people to protect and take care of. Would I miss having my mom? Did I ever have a mom? I mean, yeas of course I had a mom, someone had to have given birth to me in order for me to be tyoing this, but was she really my MOM, not really. I never had a connection to her. Hugs weren’t a thing in my house growing up, they were given out freely to other people but not to us, not to me. I remember very few times that there were any means of gentle, loving, physical touch. There was one day that I remember this happening and it was the day that she braided my hair, I couldn’t believe it was happening so I soaked it up and enjoyed it for all it was worth. We were in the parking lot of my school waiting for school to start, it was a private school so there weren’t many cars and not many people around to stop and stare, which is why she probably did it. This never happened again, although I wouldn’t have minded. My parents were more into buying our love than actually showing it. I was actually quite jealous of everyone around me that received all the genuine love and hugs that she gave out. Were my parents incapable of showing it? Clearly they weren’t. They just chose who they showed it to. Were they incapable of showing it to their children? Yes, they were. Thankfully, I never kept this up with my children, actually I am the complete opposite and it sometimes drives them nuts.

“Home is where the heart is” was never a true statement in our house, instead it was “home is where the hate lives”. Evil lives here rang true at our house. Secrets, evil secrets were kept there. Now as an adult I am painfully learning the truth about many of my friends living the same life. Why though, why were we subject to live this way? Why were we forced to ‘sweep everything under the rug’ and pretend it never happened? If you went to church it was even worse for you because the priest/pastor encouraged secrets to remain secret. As a matter of fact, I went to my youth pastor in hopes I could finally be free from the lies and the evil but instead I was met with more evil and pain. I told them that I was being molested and abused and the response THE RESPONSE, was that ‘I must have asked for it because people just don’t molest family members’. Well, there you go, this is the number one reason molestation, rape, and abuse victims just stay silent for years and years. They are just told they must have asked for it, that it’s their fault. Is it really, now, is it?

I would go to my nana and mother and constanly tell them what was happening but each time I was met with ‘well, just stop doing it’ or ‘its a phase’ or ‘it must be your fault’ or ‘well you’re a year older so grow up and stop it’ or my favorite ‘just walk away and say stop’. OH GEEZ…. I never thought to try getting away and stopping, thanks for the dam suggestion. I begged, for years, for help. My whole family knew, friends of the family knew, but yet NO ONE decided to help. NOONE!!! Shame on them!!! Do you want to know why they decided not to help, because my family was just to nice so I must be lying, it could never be true.

The abuse started when I was 11 years old. I was abused by my brother, my father(just not sexually), family friends (young and old). One day I was playing outside and I was playing with a group of kids, boys and girls and one of the boys decided to take a stick and shove it up inside of me to see how far it would go, of course I began to bleed, but when I told my mom what happened there was no punishment for him and no care or love shown towards me. Devastated again. Do you want to know why he wasn’t punished, he had a brother with special needs so he was dealing with a lot of stress at home. What about me? I was the victim of a sex crime, a violent one at that. Did anyone care? Was anyone going to help? NO!

It didn’t stop there, that’s when my brother took over and started to tell me he was going to come in my room at night to see if I wore a bra at night or not (as a married woman, who feels very safe in her home, I just started to sleep without one on about 8 years ago–I’ve been married for almost 20 years). Then the threats of touching, which lead into inappropriate touching. Then, when my family had friends over at night he began to force himself on to me. Every night around 7:00pm, to this day I can not stand the “Wheel of Fortune’ and ‘Jeopardy’ theme songs, because I knew once ‘Wheel of Fortune’ started the abuse would start and once ‘Jeopardy’ ended it would end. I begged people around me for help.I would try to spend time in the kitchen with the adults but only get kicked out. Once I got to high school, I joined ever after school activity possible, every sport possible(even if I sucked at it) just so I didn’t have to go home. One, I didn’t want to see him..two, I couldn’t deal with the abuse…three, I couldn’t stand being around people that didn’t really love me.

I could not COULD NOT wait to graduate so I could leave home. I wanted to be out of there, I wanted to breathe for once. I just wanted one day where I felt free, felt like I could be me, where I could lay in my bed and not be tortured. I even went to a college that was far away, a very strict religious college that I knew I wouldn’t like just so I could get away. I only lasted a year, but that was one year where I felt alive and free.

When i came home I live with some friends, their family took me in. I worked 3 or 4 jobs and took a course at a local college at night. I started to find that depression and anxiety was really taking over because my family was guilt tripping me. They’d say that I was being hateful and ruining their lives by telling people I was choosing not to live at home because I was being abused. OH WELL!!! It was the truth. I had to distance myself, for me. I ended up moving in to my own apartment in Hull, Ma thinking it would change everything and life would be great. But it wasn’t.

When I had my own apartment, it meant I had freedom but it also meant I was alone. I am not good at being alone. I wanted, actually I needed to be needed. I also was so used to being ‘used’ every single day of my life and to be honest with you I felt like I was supposed to just be doing it, like as if it was my duty. (sounds weird right) Unfortunately, there are so many people out there feeling the exact same way. They feel like they are supposed to just be having sex with whoever says they want it because that’s what they are used to. It’s an awful feeling and an awful way to go through life. It was almost ritualistic behavior though. While living in the apartment on my own I used dating apps to meet up with guys, guys I didn’t even know….total strangers. I was willing to sleep with anyone willing to be with me and pretend they cared. Fake love was better than no love, at least that’s how I saw it. I went crazy, I slept with way to many guys, I was so out of control. My mental health and physical health were at risk but I didn’t care. I just wanted to be ‘loved’. Through these crazy charades though, I would end up meeting my future husband. He would rescue me from this life, he would show me true love, but I would not believe it right away.

In 2000, I was working many jobs at once, one being a babysitting job in Rowley, MA. It watched a little boy who was about 4 years old. He was so sweet and his parents were very nice too. His dad was worked as a scientist searching for a cure for cancer, his mom worked in business. I had been babysitting one night and stayed later than usual, the mom gave me a ride to the local train station so I could get back to my car which was at my local train station in Braintree, MA. While on the train, a few people said hello in passing, nothing unusual, but then these two guys got on and started talking to me. Now, I am a chatter, a friendly person so of course I said hi and struck up a conversation with them. They seemed harmless, no reason to back away. We talked about the weather, where we were from, high schools we attended and years we graduated. We went to the same school, they were a little older. Hindsight now tells me that they were probably lying about the school, but I don’t read minds. One guy got off a few stops before mine, the other stayed, we continued chatting here and there. My stop was the last one, as I got off the other guy got off too of course, I noticed that where I went he was following but I figured that maybe his car was in the same lot. As I got close to my car, he asked if I could give him a ride home, it wasn’t too far, me being so dam friendly and stupid said ok. He got in the front seat before I could grab my cell phone which I had left under the front seat. We started to drive, there was a set of lights right down the hill from the parking lot and as we approached the lights turned red, I wish they hadn’t. That’s when he grabbed me around the neck and aggressively told me I had to go wherever he said and do whatever he said. Well, I wasn’t about to argue or put up a fight there. I did however tell him that I needed gas, he believed me, and I went in to pay for the gas, I tried to tell the attendant but the words wouldn’t come out “HELP ME”… I couldn’t say them to her. I was terrified. After we got gas he got impatient, he made me drive to an apartment complex up the street and park near a set of dumpsters and that’s where he raped me. He wore a condom…why I have no clue except to hide evidence. Then he made me drive him home, now I knew where he lived, but it wouldn’t make a difference. I tried to hold myself together during that drive, it wasn’t easy. He kept saying, ‘are we ok’ ‘are you good’ ‘you liked it right’. The answers to all of these questions were NO! No dammit I wasn’t okay!! Not even close!! You just VIOLATED ME!!!!!!!!

I called the mom of the child who I had just been babysitting, she refused to help me, then I called my mom who I thought for sure would hep, she absolutely refused and said I got what I deserved, so she wasn’t coming and to be honest I didn’t expect it. Then I went to a ‘friends’ house to try to calm down and make sense of it all. They told me to go to the police station so that night I went, alone. I walked in with swollen tear-filled eyes, trying to hold myself up. I told them what happened and they led me in to a room to be questioned by a detective. I was then put in a room, the detective came in and talked to me they asked me to write down my story. I coudn’t remember every detail, it was all too much. Then they fingerprinted me like I was a criminal, took photos of me too. Then they brought me to the hospital for a rape kit, WOW is this invasive. Then another detective came in, more questions, more people not believing me. I kept telling them that he made me drop him off at his house, but they wouldn’t listen. I felt like no one believed me. When I got to the hospital and they performed the rape kit, they asked if I wanted to call anyone to come bring me a change of clothes and to be there for me. I remember calling my mom first, instinct set in, but she told me I probably got what I deserved and she wasn’t coming. I sobbed. Then I called a few other people who were unavailable, I mean it was understandable as it was very late. I clearly saved the best for last, I called my now husband to come help. Without hesitation he arrived, no judgement, no ‘you owe me’ looks, no frustration, the only thing I was met with was compassion and love. That’s all I needed. We had only known each other for a short time too so he wasn’t obligated to show up but he did. A true friend. Sadly though, the one person that was supposed to show up, didn’t. No empathy on their part.

I am still told to this day that I chose the life I have and everything that happened to me was my doing. I am told this by my mother. It’s painful.

I chose to keep my mother, brother and sister out of my life because of the toxicity that would show up when they were around me. I would literally become a different person, my kids and husband hated it. I hated it. The last straw was when I made it VERY clear that my kids were not to be around my brother, but I came to see them once and my mom offered to watch the girls, well when I came to get them, my mom and sister were gone leaving the girls with him and some other guy. I was furious! I yelled at themj and told them they’d never see the girls or me again, and I kept my promise. I don’t know if anything happened, clearly I questioned them but they said no. I had to keep my family safe.

Every year for my birthday or christmas sometimes both I’ll receive things in the mail from them. It is usually accompanied by a letter telling me I am in the wrong, they did nothing wrong and that I need to get over it. But I can’t. The stress from it all can be unbearable.

Everyone should have a mother that loves them, cares for them and is truly concerned about their well-being. Do I wish I could have my mom in my life? Yes of course but I can’t. I can’t bring myself to that level. Do I forgive them? Sure…but I’LL NEVER FORGET.

Walking away was the safest and healthiest things I have ever done.

If you need to walk away, you can. You are in control. You’re in charge of your life.